After Thoughts About the Contact with God

After reading the Contact with God by Will Eisner, I found this creator interesting to me. Eisner was an illustrator and a writer. The Contact with God was a graphic novel Eisner, which was composed with the balance of words and illustrations. A brief description often provided by the creator and then a pen and ink illustration would be shown to the audience. Besides creating, Eisner did a lot of big contribution to bringing early-stage comic business to mature. Such as giving comic the purpose of education to the public. And, the reason I found Eisner interesting to me because after getting some information, I had this question: that what would the audience identify him as? A writer? An illustrator? Or even maybe a "Revolutionist"? For me, I prefer to identify Eisner as an illustrator.  Reading Eisner's novels very entertaining. Though his writing style might seem unmodern, the beautiful illustration drawn by pen and ink and the vivid shading worked together, bring this unique feeling to the audience. In addition, when I covered the words, I could still understand what is going on in the story. I think that is the purpose of illustration- bring "light/life" to things.


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