After Thoughts about Battle Angel

               Battle Angel Alita is a Japanese manga series written by Yukito Kishiro. The theme of the manga series is Cyberpunk, which the human world has developed significant technological breakthroughs. Things, even human bodies, are hardly mechanized. The story happens in a post-apocalyptic era and the protagonist is a girl cyborg named Alita(Gunme), who has lost all memories and is found in a garbage heap by a cybernetics doctor. The doctor fixes and takes care of her. I like this manga series because Cyberpunk is one of my favorite styles of story. People are changed, and the world is difficult to survive. I love how advanced technology not only changes the human body parts but also changes the human mind. And the non-linear narration of the story is interesting. More and more threats are discovered, as she discovers her truth and memories. At the end it makes people think to whether the development of advanced technology is involving the people or destroying people.


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