After Thoughts of March

               Over the years living in the U.S, I have seen much differences. I am very sensitive to these differences mainly because I came from a conserved country, and In my mind, America is much more open. Besides that, I believe the greatest difference I felt between my country and the U.S is people in the U.S are willing to speak up for themselves. The book March is an example for that idea. The Civil   Rights has been a serious question for decays now. March is a comic talking about the early stage of the Civil Rights movement. The story is being presented through the perspective of the U.S Congressman John Lewis and the leaders of the Civil Rights movement. There are three volumes of March. They each talk about the same things but through a different person's perspective of view. That is a very interesting way of presenting a story because we can see how things can vary between different people with different identities.


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